Models Maria and Molly from HT agency modelling outfits from Joannes and Frocks in Ballina for the Press Launch of The Ballina Soccer Club Fashion Show on Thursday 13th April at the Lakeside Hotel, Killaloe
Limerick fashion designer Vonnie Reynolds
Models Maria and Molly from HT agency modelling outfits from Joannes and Frocks in Ballina for the Press Launch of The Ballina Soccer Club Fashion Show on Thursday 13th April at the Lakeside Hotel, Killaloe
Hilary Thompson accompanied by members of the Birdhill Soccer Club Committee at the Press Launch for the fashion show to be held at the Lakeside Hotel, Killaloe on Thursday the 13th April
Models Maria and Molly from HT Agency modelling fabulous outfits from Fine Rags, Killaloe and Penneys Limerick in the Lakeside Hotel Killaloe for Press Launch for Fashion Show for Birdhill Soccer Club on Thursday March 13th!
Limerick fashion designer Vonnie Reynolds